
Home of J. Stuart J. Creative
The Minneapolis skyline with Stone Arch bridge in foreground.
Mapping Range

Mapping a range of values to a defined index.

I’m researching options for an easy to edit, responsive image map solution for WordPress. I’ve looked at SVG, however it can get tricky to edit, especially with complicated maps or floor plans. It also requires vector software such as Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape or one of several Mac solutions which I don’t have access to. I’m […]

Floating Hack

Floated Elements with Javascript

A quick and dirty jQuery script to collapse a parent element when floated. This allows the element to be centered using [ margin: 0 auto; ] See the Pen AHjdo by James Johnson (@jstuartj) on CodePen.

Backyard Shrooms

Backyard Shrooms

Two years ago, the city made me cut down a monster elm tree in my backyard. Now I have a cool mushroom garden. The shot below was taken with my Canon G6, since it has a nice super-micro feature and a rotatable LCD making it easier to shoot lower to the ground.

Dad Fly Fishing

Fly fishing with dad.

I went fishing with my dad on Father’s Day. The video below was taken with a Canon T1i and kit lens (18-55).

Rubber Cement Pyromania

Good old Elmer’s never should have put “Flammable” on the label. Never leave a photographer alone with dice, rubber cement, a hot glue gun, a sheet of glass and some black construction paper? Oh, toss in a fire extinguisher- safety first kiddies.

Zombie Video

Zombie Test Video

I’m working on an idea for a short film. So, on the way home I shot some test footage in the parking garage. This brief shot was captured using my Nikon S210. It was then color graded and edited in Sony Vegas 8.0c, where I added the emergency red and blue flash and sound effects.

2009 Hudson Hot Air Affair – Moon Glow

This Saturday, I made my way to Wisconsin, for the 2009 Hudson Hot Air Affair. While high winds prevented the Day’s balloon flight. The Moon Glow or “Field of Fire” in this case took place as scheduled at sundown. The Hudson Elementary school yard was filled with thirty-five or so Balloonist all firing their burners […]

2008 Minneapolis Aquatennial Fireworks

Archiving My Summer

I ran across a nice firework shot while doing my September archiving. It was taken during the 2008 Aquatennial fireworks, in Minneapolis along the Mississippi river front. Each year I try to find a new location. This year I fought the crowds on the Stone Arch Bridge, I arrived around three hours early to beat […]

Saint Paul Riverfront

Taste of Minnesota Fireworks.

The Taste of Minnesota started this weekend, so I headed to Saint Paul this Saturday to photograph the fireworks. I arrived early and wandered for hours, but the crowds were just too… well crowded. The only spot I found to set up had an uninteresting background. So, I headed a mile or so down the […]

Frozen Slide

Frozen Water Park

It’s been a long time since I posted, I haven’t even had time to get out and take some photos. I grabbed my camera on the way to St. Paul this morning, and I ran across this city water park. Risking frostbite, I stopped to get a few shots, not realizing that the fence was […]

Copyright © 2024, J. Stuart Johnson